Dear readers,
Issue 2/ Volume 11 of the journal HIKMA has already appeared in print. The table of contents for this issue may be viewed below.
Contents / Inhalt
153 | Preface | Vorwort – Bülent Uçar | |
Articles / Artikel | ||
155 |
Merdan Güneş |
Ḥikmat at-tašrīʿ: An Incomplete Attempt at a Symbiosis between
Teleological and Rational Interpretations of Divine Wisdom |
191 | Paul M. Kaplick und Tarek Badawia |
Cobbler, stick to your last? On the Cooperation between Islamic
Theologians and Muslim Psychologists |
Abdelrahman Helli |
Religious and Sectarian Diversity in the Early Islamic Period A Study of Ḍirār b. ʿAmr al-Ghaṭafānī’s (d. ca. 200/815) “Kitāb al-Taḥrīsh” (“The Book of Instigation”) |
Miscellanea / Miszelle | ||
233 |
Junus el-Naggar |
Modern Slavery and Muslim Responsibility in its Prevention
Translations / Übersetzungen | ||
241 |
Moritz Wolff (gest./d. 1904) |
„Umm al-Barāhīn“ von Muḥammad b. Yūsuf as-Sanūsī (gest. 895/1489) “Umm al-Barāhīn” by Muḥammad b. Yūsuf as-Sanūsī (d. 895/1489) |
260 | Conference Proceedings | Tagungsberichte |
270 | Reviews | Rezensionen |
Interview | ||
284 | Jasser Abou Archid |
Interview mit Mutaz al-Khatib. |